-ounce can of Play
-Doh Buildin' Compound. It's the same quality Play
-Doh compound we all know and love with specks and sparkles mixed in to look like different construction materials such as stone and cement! Preschoolers who love to play with toy trucks and squishy things like modelling clay can bring the fun of the sandbox inside. This and other Play
-Doh Wheels toys make the perfect gift for truck
-loving preschoolers to get them engaged in creative activities with Play
-Doh compound! Other Play
-Doh Wheels playsets sold separately.Product FeaturesâĒ Big Buildin' Fun With Little Play
-Doh Trucks â Imagine your own construction site with this mini toy truck that features fun ways to squish, shape, and create with Play
âĒ Featuring Play
-Doh Buildin' Compound â The 2
-ounce can of Play
-Doh Buildin' Compound is the quality non
-toxic Play
-Doh compound we all love with specks mixed in to look like building materials such as cement and stone!
âĒ Creative Construction Fun â This construction toy for kids ages 3 and up brings the fun of the sandbox inside for preschoolers who love to play with vehicles and squishy things like modelling clay. Product and colours will vary.
âĒ Compound not intended to be eaten
âĒ To clean, allow to dry, then scrape or vacuum.
âĒ Moulded results vary depending on childâs age and level of skill."
âĒ Notice to Parents: | Contains Wheat. |
âĒ Non-Toxic. Conforms to: | ASTM D-4236. |
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- SKU 403438256_TH
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