Useful for bikes which have no holder or inadequate for a frame holder
Convenient to fetch drink from a bottle holder
Simple and practical design
Small size and light weight
Sturdy structure, prevent from deformation damage
-gripped hinge, fix the holder tightly
Suitable for varied types of bikes, including mountain bike and folding bike
Fixed with two self
-tapping screws (not included)
1 x Bike Water Bottle Holder
Features: | |
Material: | Aluminum Alloy |
Color: | Black/Silver/Red/Blue/Gold |
Dimensions: | 3.15 x 3.11 x 5.9 inch / 8 x 7.9 x 15cm |
Package Contents: |
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- āđāļāļĢāļāļāđ No Brand
- SKU 2431630337_TH
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