āļāļāļĨāđāļāļāļāļĨāļĄāļēāļĢāđāļāđāļāļāļĢāđ "MIAO Golf Pride CP2 Club Griff - Pro / Wrap āļĄāļēāļāļĢāļāļēāļāļāļāļēāļāļāļĨāļēāļāļāļąāļĄāđāļāđāđāļāļēāļĢāļĩāļ" āļāļāļāļāļĩāđāļĢāļēāļāļēāļĨāļ 44% āļāļēāļāļĢāļēāļāļēāđāļāļīāļĄ 122.40 āļāļēāļ āļĨāļāđāļŦāļĨāļ·āļ 68.00 āļāļēāļ āđāļāđāļēāļāļąāđāļ āļŠāļīāļāļāđāļēāļāļąāļāļŠāđāļāļĄāļēāļāļēāļ āļāļĩāļ āđāļĨāļ°āļāļēāļĒāđāļāļĒāļĢāđāļēāļ MIAOCHUN
High quality
Combining high
-performance technology with a soft, tacky feel, the innovative CP2 Wrap and CP2 Pro delivers comfort and control for superior performance. Featuring Golf Pride’s exclusive Control Core technology, a
2.5” inner core stabiliser is specifically engineered to reduce torque. A reduced taper design allows for even grip pressure in each hand, and a soft, high
-traction surface provides comfort in every swing. With the CP2, control fits in the palm of your hand.
Soft Feel
- Our softest swing grip features a high
-tack surface and soft rubber for maximum comfort and control.
Control Core Stabiliser
2.5” inner Control Core stabiliser reduces torque for more control of the club during the swing.
Larger Lower Hand
- Straighter taper promotes even, light grip pressure for increased comfort and a more fluid swing.
Available in either standard or mid
-size grip.
1Pcs Grips
Combining high
-performance technology with a soft, tacky feel, the innovative CP2 Wrap and CP2 Pro delivers comfort and control for superior performance. Featuring Golf Pride’s exclusive Control Core technology, a
2.5” inner core stabiliser is specifically engineered to reduce torque. A reduced taper design allows for even grip pressure in each hand, and a soft, high
-traction surface provides comfort in every swing. With the CP2, control fits in the palm of your hand.
Soft Feel
- Our softest swing grip features a high
-tack surface and soft rubber for maximum comfort and control.
Control Core Stabiliser
2.5” inner Control Core stabiliser reduces torque for more control of the club during the swing.
Larger Lower Hand
- Straighter taper promotes even, light grip pressure for increased comfort and a more fluid swing.
Available in either standard or mid
-size grip.
1Pcs Grips
Package include: |
āļāđāļāļĄāļđāļĨāđāļāļāļēāļ° āļāļāļĨāđāļāļāļāļĨāļĄāļēāļĢāđāļāđāļāļāļĢāđ
- āđāļāļĢāļāļāđ No Brand
- SKU 2309692152_TH
- āļĢāđāļēāļāļāđāļē MIAOCHUN
āļŦāļēāļāļĢāļēāļĒāļĨāļ°āđāļāļĩāļĒāļāļĒāļąāļāđāļĄāđāđāļāļĩāļĒāļāļāļ āđāļāļĢāļāļāļđāļĢāļēāļĒāļĨāļ°āđāļāļĩāļĒāļāđāļāļīāđāļĄāđāļāļīāļĄāđāļāđāļāļĩāđāļĢāđāļēāļāļāđāļēāļāļĨāđāļēāļ....
MIAOCHUNāđāļāļ°āļāļģ Miao Golf Pride Cp2 Club Griff - Pro / Wrap āļĄāļēāļāļĢāļāļēāļāļāļāļēāļāļāļĨāļēāļāļāļąāļĄāđāļāđāđāļāļēāļĢāļĩāļ [Check Price]
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